Studies & Planning

Short Range Transit Plan (SRTP) (2017), By LSC Consulting

SRTP is the primary planning document that will be used to guide the routine decisions associated with administering the Connect Transit system over the next five to ten years.

  • “To maintain current service levels, additional long term dedicated funding for public transit will need to be established. The most promising potential is increasing the local sales tax for transit as other areas in the state have already done.”

Summary | Full Report

2015 internal review

the CVTD Board felt an internal review of CVTD operations was needed and they are satisfied with the results. The Board sought outside professional input to make informed, objective decisions, and adjustments made were approved by the Board. The Board is pleased to report that the District continues to function well, and provides services to our community in an efficient and prudent manner.

2015 Internal Review

Survey of voters conducted September 2015

View PDF of survey completed by Fairbank, Maslin, Maullin, Metz & Associates – FM3 of registered voters within CVTD service area here

Short Range Transit Plan (SRTP) – Detailed Fare Analysis (June 2012, By Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates, Inc)

Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates was asked to address the following question: Connect Transit were to introduce a fare, what would it cost from a capital and operating perspective and how much revenue would Connect Transit expect to gain?

It is their recommendation that Connect Transit not change its fare policy at this time, for the following reasons:

  • The expense of collecting the fare is generally greater than the revenue generated from the fare.
  • Charging a fare causes significant ridership loss.
  • Collecting a fare causes scheduled travel times to be lengthened because of the additional time needed for passengers to deposit the fare.
  • Charging a fare makes it more difficult for Connect Transit to meet its mission of reducing the dependency on the automobile and supporting efforts to improve air quality, by reducing ridership.
  • Collecting fares creates real and perceived barriers to using public transit, known as “Hassle Factors.”
  • Charging a fare makes it more difficult for Connect Transit to meet the Envision Cache Valley principle to “Provide a balanced transportation with enhanced public transportation options” by reducing ridership.

Chapter 10 Summary | Complete Chapter 10

Look at video comparing boarding time of a fare system vs a zero fare system.

Implementation and outcomes of zero fare transit systems, (Sponsored by the Federal Transit Administration)

  • “Public transit agencies in small urban and rural communities cite the significant benefits zero fare service offers to students, seniors, and lower-income residents.”
  • “The elimination of fares essentially places transit in the same category of services as schools, libraries, and most community parks. … They are regarded as essential elements of what a community deems important and why it is worth living in.”
  • “If properly funded and maintained, the image of the buses change from being the clunky transportation choice of last resort to the service that connects all elements of the community and provides equal opportunity to access all that a community offers.”
  • “Fare-Free transit has … helped local communities earn positive recognition. A number of communities offering zero fare transit have received state and national awards as ‘best places to live.’”


Conclusions | Full Report

Bus vs Car Emission Study (September 2011, By Utah State University)

  • “Connect Transit buses greatly outperformed older buses in similar studies – to the point that it would only take one person in Cache Valley to choose to ride one of the new buses, in order to reduce air-pollutant emissions locally. With public support, these new buses have the potential to help mitigate the air quality problems faced by Cache Valley that are related to vehicle emissions.”

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