SRTP is the primary planning document that will be used to guide the routine decisions associated with administering the Connect Transit system over the next five to ten years.
the CVTD Board felt an internal review of CVTD operations was needed and they are satisfied with the results. The Board sought outside professional input to make informed, objective decisions, and adjustments made were approved by the Board. The Board is pleased to report that the District continues to function well, and provides services to our community in an efficient and prudent manner.
View PDF of survey completed by Fairbank, Maslin, Maullin, Metz & Associates – FM3 of registered voters within CVTD service area here
Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates was asked to address the following question: Connect Transit were to introduce a fare, what would it cost from a capital and operating perspective and how much revenue would Connect Transit expect to gain?
It is their recommendation that Connect Transit not change its fare policy at this time, for the following reasons:
Chapter 10 Summary | Complete Chapter 10
Look at video comparing boarding time of a fare system vs a zero fare system.