
Connect Transit Accessibility

All of the Connect Public Transit fixed route vehicles are considered low floor vehicles, which mean the floor is lower than other style buses and as such does not have steps when boarding or de-boarding the bus. They also have the ability to be kneeled and/or a ramp deployed at the passenger‘s request. This feature can reduce and/or eliminate gaps from the boarding location to the bus, as well as allow passengers with mobility devices to board the bus. In addition, each fixed route vehicle is equipped with at least 2 wheelchair securement locations. The Connect Public Transit also provides paratransit bus service through Call-A-Ride. Call-A-Ride paratransit service is for persons with disabilities who have been certified as functionally unable to use Connect Transit‘s fixed route buses. Call-A-Ride is an origin to destination service and is provided on an advanced reservation basis.

Comments and Complaints

The Cache Valley Transit District, dba Connect Transit operates its programs and services without regard to disability in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Any person who believes she or he has been aggrieved by any unlawful discriminatory practice under ADA may file a complaint with the Connect Transit here.

Connect Public Transit is committed to evaluating and responding to comments and complaints equitably. Multiple employees will review each communication and will respond by phone, email, or in writing to confirm the comments have been received and an initial contact will be made. This initial contact will generally occur within 24 hours of the original comment or complaint.

ADA Officer

Curtis Roberts


754 West 600 North
Logan, Utah 84321
For complaint procedure click 


Self-Service and Mobile App Guide

Call-A-Ride Riders Guide

Large Print Call-A-Ride Riders Guide

Call-A-Ride Application

Reasonable Modification Requests

Connect Transit wants to provide the best service possible to you and will make reasonable accommodations in policies, practices, or procedures when such accommodations are necessary and appropriate. If you need additional service or would like such an accommodation, please contact the Eligibility Office at 435-792-3122 or Call-A-Ride Information at 435-753-2255.


In order to be eligible to use Call-A-Ride paratransit service, a person‘s disability must prevent them from using the existing accessible fixed route bus service. Types of disabilities that could affect a person’s functional ability in such a manner as to create eligibility for ADA Paratransit:
  1. Physical Disabilities
  2. Cognitive Disabilities

Eligibility is based on whether or not a person is functionally able, without the help of anyone else, to:
  • Get to and from the bus
  • Get on and off an accessible bus. (Not applicable to Connect Transit, because Connect Transit buses are 100% accessible.)
  • Understand which bus to get on and when to get off the bus.

A few things to consider about paratransit eligibility:

  • Having a disability alone does not create eligibility
    • It must be determined that the disability does, in fact, prevent the passenger from using fixed route services.
  • Eligibility is a transportation determination and not a medical decision
    • Connect Transit will attempt to obtain information from any professionals listed on an application. This information is used to determine the applicant’s functional ability. Diagnoses information given by the professionals may influence the eligibility decision but will not be the only determining factor.
  • Eligibility is not based on the perceived or real inconvenience of using public transportation
  • Eligibility is not based on inexperience using the fixed route service
    • Connect Transit offers Travel Training. For more information contact the ADA Paratransit Coordinator (435) 792-3122
  • Eligibility is not based on a desire not to use fixed route services.


Paratransit service provided by Call-A-Ride is an origin to destination service and is provided on an advanced reservation basis. In order to determine your eligibility to use Call-A-Ride, you must complete an application and return it to:
Connect Public Transit
ADA Paratransit Coordinator
754 West 600 North
Logan, UT 84321
Fax: (435) 713-6991

In order to provide an accurate determination please ensure that all questions are answered completely. Failure to completely answer all questions will delay and/or prevent the application from being processed.

For verification Connect Transit will need to contact at least one licensed professional (not a relative or friend) that sees you on a professional basis, in regard to your disability. In order to expedite the application process we recommend that you contact the professional(s) you list on your application and inform them that we may be contacting them requesting information relating to your disability.

Once a completed application is received it can take up to 3 weeks for a determination to be made. Once a determination has been made, you will be notified in writing of that determination and any conditions that may have been placed on your eligibility.

Persons determined to be eligible to use Call-A-Ride will receive a certification card and Rider’s Guide in the mail. Persons determined to be eligible will be required to apply for recertification every four (4) years. Persons determined not to be eligible to use Call-A-Ride have the ability to appeal this finding within 60 days after they are notified of the determination by writing to the ADA Paratransit Coordinator at the above address.

If you have any questions about the application or the review process, please contact Connect’s ADA Paratransit Coordinator at (435) 792-3122.

Service Area/Hours

Call-A-Ride is designed to be “comparable to” (or similar to) Connect Transit‘s fixed route bus service and can be scheduled for any trip purpose. For this reason, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Paratransit Call-A-Ride service is only required to transport riders to and from locations which are within three-quarters (3/4) of a mile of Connect Transit‘s existing fixed route bus services and during the same days and hours. Points of origin and destination beyond three-quarters (3/4) of a mile of the fixed-route bus service are not required for ADA Paratransit service and trips may not be provided.

Call-A-Ride service is offered Monday through Saturday. Call-A-Ride does not operate on Sundays and Holidays when Connect Transit‘s fixed route service is not operating.

Additional Information

For additional information regarding the Call-A-Ride, please see the Rider‘s Guide or contact Connect Transit‘s ADA Paratransit Coordinator at (435) 792-3122.

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